Sunday, February 8, 2009

Milbrae -> San Bruno -> Milbrae -> San Bruno -> SFO

BART station. We took the photo and started discussing what would
constitue 'non-trash' items.

And then the adventure began.

While I was trying to post the photo to the blog, Dave managed to get
two women to follow him, carrying their international size suitcases
up three flights of stairs only to discover they needed to walk back
down the stairs. They then followed us again right onto the wrong
train which returned us to milbrae. Why was I blindly participating in
this? Because I was trying to write a blog entry on the
much for practicing being 'present in the moment'

My original question: What could be defined as a 'non-trash' item?
And, what item precipitated the placement of this sign?

1 comment:

  1. After a short random poll 'puppies' is the only common answer for a non-trash item.
